And as far as I see, like, I love to keep going in that direction and...
As far as I can see,the best option for the body theorist at this point is to add--no surprises here--a no branching rule.
I think,as far as I can see,that the claim we all die alone, however we interpret it,just ends up being implausible or false.
Okay. So that's the basic distinction and, as I say, as far as I can see it's irreconcilable so it leaves us with a choice that really does have to be made, and it's a choice which looms over a course in literary theory and coming to understand the tradition of literary theory.
And of course,we don't have any good--as far as I can see-- we don't have any good reason to believe that crucial premise.
As far as I can see, right now nobody's got a good explanation about how consciousness works.
That's the crucial premise, and what I want to say is, as far as I can see there's no good reason to believe number two.
It's not that, as far as I can see, the fact that she's going to be a corpse gives you any reason not to kiss her.
So the psychological reading doesn't do any better,as far as I can see.
But it's not a whiff of that at least not in the dialogue as we got it, not a whiff of that, as far as I can see.
I can't see any good reason to believe premise two, and as far as I can see, Plato doesn't actually give us any reason to believe it in the dialogue.
As far as I can see,when my body dies,that's it.
That's the objection that Cebes raises and one of the oddities is that as far as I can see, Socrates never responds to that objection.
And there's,as far as I can see, no reason at all to believe that he was feeling lonely, feeling distant,feeling alienated from the people who were keeping him company.