As I see it, the official function of this simile is to give us a sense of the size of Satan's shield and thereby to give us a sense of the size of Satan himself.
So I look to myself and look at the past and see it as the motivation for me to move on.
I think it's possible to see that "they" as the sort of general forces of modernity, of everything at odds with the aristocratic culture Yeats and these women shared, inhabited.
I want to abstract that. And the abstraction you see, right here. I'm going to highlight it for a second so you can see it. I want you to look at it on the handout as well.
I think,as far as I can see,that the claim we all die alone, however we interpret it,just ends up being implausible or false.
I have some people, as soon as they see it, oh, they have the frequency here.
It's interesting I think that - if one thinks of Tony the Tow Truck one can think of-- - when you go home and study it, you'll see what I mean-- there's a complex pattern of imagery, as it were, between pulling and pushing.
As you can see I don't understand it.
It's gonna hold integers so I have to say int as we'll see 0 and set it equal to 0.
And the more I went into it, the more I thought as I see something seriously wrong here with the way we think about animals and the way we treat animals.
Well, I see it where..sort of play itself out us India has been debating whether to expand itself to include China, Japan... Korea, as well as... -I see it is a sociation of east Asia... -Economies got to send themselves in southeast Asia... -Em.
I can read as alanine, for example, from this table and if I see a , I know it has to be alanine.
And as you'll see by your handout, I've attempted tend to trace it.
It's not that, as far as I can see, the fact that she's going to be a corpse gives you any reason not to kiss her.
But it's not a whiff of that at least not in the dialogue as we got it, not a whiff of that, as far as I can see.
I can't see any good reason to believe premise two, and as far as I can see, Plato doesn't actually give us any reason to believe it in the dialogue.
As far as I can see,when my body dies,that's it.
There's a sense that in this memory the poet somehow saw the name-- presumably, I suppose, saw it on a signboard in the station, as you roll into the station and you see where you are.
As I see it, there is only one solution to all the foregoing difficulties.
Modern poetry, as we study it in this class and, I think, as you see it in this anthology, is an international phenomenon.
Again as I said this is my version of it, but you can see, every one of the examples we've used so far has that pattern to it.
So it's not, as I say altogether straightforward to see how the answer " "Death is bad for me, because when I'm dead I don't exist" how that answers the problem as opposed to simply focusing our attention on the problem ? How can nonexistence be bad for me?
Okay. So that's the basic distinction and, as I say, as far as I can see it's irreconcilable so it leaves us with a choice that really does have to be made, and it's a choice which looms over a course in literary theory and coming to understand the tradition of literary theory.