Now, I do certainly understand what your correspondent, as it were, were saying about beauty.
It is easier," he says, "not to view justice microscopically in an individual, " as it were through a magnifying glass."
But if meaning and significance bleed into each other, what I'm going to be doing is establishing a canon, as it were, unconsciously or semiconsciously.
So as it were,we might say, it might be that mere survival or bare bones survival doesn't really give me what matters.
At a very early age, Milton brooded on his poetic vocation as if it were an actual calling from God.
Some of these terms that he uses are literary climax, the creation of suspense so he's tracking this as if it were the development of a narrative.
If I wanted you to care about an animal, I would do well to describe it as if it were human.
It may be owned by other individuals but it has its own rights and responsibilities as if it were a person.
I think almost 20,000 on that day died, and in the Battle of the Somme, as it unfolded, there were a million casualties.
So you can think of it, if we were to just think of it as a straight line that we were going across, essentially what we're saying is that we're getting from point a to point c without ever getting through point b.
They were religious as well, but it was a different kind of religion.
This was not a naturally occurring attenuated virus as used in smallpox, but a virus that was attenuated in the laboratory, basically by propagating it in culture and looking for mutants that were formed as you propagated this virus under different experimental conditions.
When he was earnest in discourse, these shone, as it were, a bright- as if a bright live coal within it.
Can a person be both as it were a good man ? a good person and a good citizen?
And it is that conflict, as it were, between what we might call worldliness and innocence that is the core of Machiavelli's moral code.
And so, armed with a soul, as it were, there's at least the possibility of immortality.