We have 266, as some of you might know who saw me counting ping-pong balls the other day in office hours.
He is very good at that kind of mentor... you know mentor-student type of a relationship as well.
There were tales, inevitable tales of-- and with French food, as you know, presentation accounts for something very much.
As you know, the maturity is 60-days and, as you know, there are about 360 days in a year.
We want to know, as you can tell-- our concern is where does the car hit the ground?
Now this is-- again, testament to the fact that computers, you know, sophisticated or scary as they might seem to some, they're pretty stupid devices.
As early as 1803, we know he's working on-- Trying to get this to work just right.
He was long in choosing the subject of his heroic song and, as we know from all of -- and we've encountered a number of them - all of those protestations of delay Milton began his epic late.
So if we start actually pushing ourselves to think about examples-- does it really take one to know one--the answer is, at least as a general claim, it's not true.
所以假如我们开始,深入探讨一些例子,到底需不需要同类才能互知 答案是,至少通常来说,这是不需要的
So, you know, as long as you are hard-working and you are able to critically think,
If a photon, which has no mass, can behave as a particle --And we know this.
And part of it is mystical-- still not understandable-- but we are going to talk about as much as we know-- why it works and how it works.
One offer of one more idea which is to take a figure who we all know about, but who we view as, maybe a civil rights hero or an African-American hero, or a Christian hero, or an American hero and turn into a global interfaith hero.
This should make a lot of sense, because we know that a hydrogen has 1 s as it's outer-most or valence orbital, so it can be filled up just with two 1 s electrons.
You know, you've seen, and there are some products where they sell themselves as no-ad products.
He was assassinated by conservative Senate forces-- - you know, Brutus and Cassius and others-- on the Ides of March, as you all know, March 15th, 44 BCE.
It was one thing for the Lady to imagine -- you know, crazy as it was, for the Lady to imagine -- a rescue squad of angels to zip to her aid at the first hint of a physical assault.
As you know, income inequality is getting worse, low-income wages are not going up, so that component of housing has been declining in real terms.
I don't know.The bass isn't as loud as in some of the pop music but I think it-- but I think that's what the tonic is.
Now, I'd like to stress information technology because we are living in a time of rapid advance, as you know--I don't have to tell you this.
Banks are in trouble and as you know - they're starting to fail because they the value of their assets in the market is falling rapidly.
Now as you may know-- some of you may have played clarinet in a high school band or something like that neither here nor there if you did or did not-- but you may know that there are other meters out there these things called six-eight .
Now, the government insures deposits, as you know, through the FDIC -the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
After logging into the course's website, you'll appear on the top left-hand corner as I just did with your actual names that we know exactly who we're working with and then what you can do is raise your hand sort to speak.
And the answer is, "No." All I had in mind, as you know, is just--in talking about the creativity issue-- I just have in mind producing something new, producing something that hasn't been around before.