and then as long as you do that, then the rest is kind of simple and easy, so.
Well, as long as you mentioned your recent work, I wanted to get into, to make sure that we have a chance to talk about this important book.
As long as it was not abrupt, right? I may take my scissors, and cut out a foot in the middle.
And because, as long as this collection is finite, this thing is just going to walk through. All right?
So I don't know if it Does it matter what you say to babies as long as you say something.
It doesn't really matter, as long as I don't price below it, I'm not going to make any money anyway.
As long as it's reversible, you know what the efficiency has to be, and in principle, you could break it down into a bunch of steps that you could formulate as isothermal and adiabatic.
What de Broglie is saying we can know the wavelength of any matter at all, as long as we know its mass and it's velocity.
As long as everybody knows that's what we're doing, what difference does it make, right?
In 1718, he ordered a man kept alive after being horribly tortured, so he could be tortured some more and suffer as long as humanly possible.
718年 他下令救活一名遭受酷刑的男子,却是为了尽可能长时间地折磨他
It used to be the case-- I forget how long drive-in windows have been around, certainly as long as you guys can remember-- but there was a time when drive-in windows didn't exist.
It's kind of unsettling because we like to know what things are, but at the same time it's not really a big problem because as long as we know about the fact that a certain notion of literature exists in certain communities we can begin to do very interesting work precisely with that idea.
stay there because who knows, there are 20 million other things I might have said, but instead let me give you the opportunity to ask questions that you would like to raise, particularly if you want to ask about how they fought, as long as we have a phalanx here we might as well use it if we need too.
As long as people... As long as you signal and people know where you are going and what you are going to do,
So, you know, as long as you are hard-working and you are able to critically think,
Not so much as long as the single line But in fact groups of lines. The quote editions are Highly condensed; the folio edition are probably Come closer to the full play.