We tend to think of the separation of powers doctrine as necessary for the security and liberty of the individual ? don't we?
Eliot was there, in that essay on the metaphysical poets that I'm quoting from, defending as necessary what is the primary characteristic, not only of his own poetry, but really of modern poetry generally, what is often called its difficulty.
Each of these waves is regarded as in some way necessary for the proper construction of a just city.
Now defragmentation as an aside is not so much necessary these days because hardware has gotten so performance.
Some would get worried and they would discuss slavery as a necessary evil this system entailed upon them.
As completely as was possible and is necessary, would you choose to do it?
even as Israelis had the kind of security necessary the orphan and the widow, the oppressed, the fatherless, those whose humanity has been rendered invisible.
For, as Rutherford has shown the assumption of the existence of nuclei, as those in question seems to be necessary in order to account for the results of the experiments on large angle scattering of the alpha rays.
Now, I think in certain circumstances it becomes necessary to overlook that unjustness, perhaps condone that injustice as in the case of the cabin boy being killed for food.
Identity is not necessary, but contingent, as the philosophers put it."
Their relationship is necessary but, as we'll see in a minute, arbitrary, and each sign is like that.
She speaks of the necessary unity of body and soul, which for her entails a defense of the body, defending, as she does, its knowledge and its goodness.
War and the virtues necessary for war are as natural to the city as are the virtues of friendship, trust, and camaraderie that are also necessary.