Now as soon as we start talking about things like the dominant, we are also aware of the evanescence of dominance.
And so I think we need to take action as soon as possible to start reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
As soon as I detect with what we'll call a condition if I'm touching the edge I have to essentially spin around 180 degrees and then continue looping.
As soon as we read the next lines, we're struck with the possibility -and surely it's just a provisional possibility, but we're struck by the image that Satan's spear is actually quite small.
I'd die as soon as I forgot anything at all of what I was doing 20 minutes ago.
I have some people, as soon as they see it, oh, they have the frequency here.
As soon as you allow anything to mix, like you might if you want to do any chemistry, entropy changes.
You put them into your environment as here, go alone and get back as soon as you finished.
The reader projects before himself a meaning for the text as a whole as soon as some initial meaning emerges in the text.
You knew it was time to start clapping as soon as that chord hit that, it stopped going back and forth,tonic,dominant,just sitting there.
This is why a dream diary or writing up-- writing your dreams as soon as you wake up turns out to be useful.
So what I'd urge you to do is to find-- get the clicker as soon as you can and we'll start using it fairly soon in the class.
I think I would be fired as soon as people found out what it was that I was doing with the portfolio and, overwhelmingly more important, it would be bad for the University.
As soon as the Civil War broke out and Lincoln called for volunteers in late April 1861, Uriah Parmelee dropped out of his Junior year at Yale and he joined the first regiment he could get into.
And they're ready to go out, and Sal says: "Hold on a minute. I'll be right with you as soon as I finish this chapter," and it was one of the best chapters in the book.
Remember, the party starts at 8:30 and I want you to be there as soon as you can.