The one real objective of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions.
It's a pattern that you use in asking questions.
Once again, it's about chipping away the excess stone because as kids, we are always asking questions.
You know why focus on digital media were because in the wake of Columbine then we entered into a called period of moral panic, the moral panic is when you stop asking questions and start assuming you know the answers.
Please don't show up at 10:30 or 11:00 and start asking questions.
I know I drive you nuts asking questions?
Now Descartes, you remember, in his Meditations begins by asking a series of questions about how we can know anything, and one of the skeptical questions he asks is, "Well, might I not be crazy?"
What they did was they got subjects to participate in a psychological experiment and the experiment consisted of asking the subjects questions that had quantitative answers, which were always numbers from zero to one hundred.
Because you're able to use this questions to soften your speech in asking a variety of different questions.
and you're asking them questions like, "Is this good or not good?"
If you were asking questions, like, how high does it go, but you don't ask when does it go to the highest point, then you don't have to go through the whole process of finding the time at which it turned around.
You get clear about the kinds of questions we've just been asking about the badness of death, whatever that is.
These are questions that Milton will never stop asking and that he will never stop attempting to answer.
The questions that I'm asking on this quiz-- the questions asked on the quiz-- are the types of things we would expect you to know at the end of the course-- not now, but at the end of the course.
It's a little awkward asking questions in here but let's give it a try.
And there are a lot of questions that people are asking in using the Star Festival as a model.
In this class we'll be asking, you'll be asked many questions, questions that as you'll see, create reality.
And what we'll be doing is, early next week we'll be distributing code, which we'll ask you to study, about two or three pages of code, and then on the final we'll be asking you questions about the code.
The second thing that he found was this group, they were always asking questions, -always asking questions, initially of their boss, later of their employees, of their partners, children, parents, friends.
They were always asking questions.
These are stupid questions, because once you understand what they're asking, the answer is just built in. It follows trivially.
Especially if you're asking difficult questions, use the "Would you" pattern.
特别是当你提出很困难的问题时,应使用“Would you”句型。
Not asking the right questions as well, whether it's in managing organizations, whether it's managing our lives.