You are not dreaming right now, unless you're asleep but if you're-- and you can't usually be immoral in a dream.
so I actually was like almost falling asleep in the second half, so you know.
One possible explanation, the dualist, that's the ghost of your mother, immaterial soul that she is, communicating to you while you're asleep.
You start off with a transition period when you're falling asleep. We call that stage I.
If the person next to you is asleep, gently wake him or her up.
Instead he just went and rented a private house and fell asleep almost immediately.
We almost fell asleep on that tonic chord.
When you do Sitting Meditations and Buddhism, this medical school teach, you have your eyes open a reminder, that first of all, you don't fall asleep but also to remind you that you are supposed to be engaging the world as you do it, rather than having your eyes closed and isolating yourself.
But I think he actually fell asleep during the performance.
For those of you who don't realize it, it's now about 12:00 in the evening tomorrow in Beijing Yeah, so anyway, I'll probably fall asleep by about 10:30.
And here's the thing; the idea is to drink as much as you can without passing out and at the end of Plato's Symposium everybody is out, except for Socrates who looks around and says, "oh well no more conversation everybody's asleep."
Look, when somebody's asleep, we need to do something to, in effect, wake them up, something to turn the functioning back on.
But if we say that, then we're back to saying that somebody who's asleep isn't really alive.
So, for example, to give an example that Plato actually gives in the dialogue, we are all awake now, but previously we were asleep.
I've got a little mental image of my body lying in bed asleep, dreamlessly.
Because it would follow then, that when I'm asleep, I'm dead.