So that's the key thing to-- to realize; that what the assignment did was have two separate paths to the same object.
Could you tell us about one of your favorite classes and a memorable assignment from that class?
So, I joined the faculty in 1978, 091 and my first teaching assignment was 3.091 recitation. I had two sections.
It could have been a law firm; it could have been working in the study group on a homework assignment.
Right. Another way of saying it is there isn't random assignment of the subjects to the two conditions in the study.
The last few pages are a schedule of the actual readings, and the assignment that you'll have for the weekend and for next week's lectures are the readings by Kaufman.
Number three, pointer assignment, takes one pointer and changes it to point to the same pointee as another pointer so after the assignment the two pointers will point to the same pointee.
There's a function in purple, there's a string in green, and in black I have the assignment statements.
We were given an assignment to come up with an idea of something you'd like to work on.
In fact in spite of the way we tell our story we actually changed the assignment.
What was the most difficult day for you as Chief of Staff and the most joyous day, and the toughest assignment President Bush gave you?
But first, I want to start with the assignment I gave you last time, and I asked you all to think about these two questions and write some things down.
For those of you here for the first time, I mentioned that the first time you'll actually have an assignment that you'll have to turn in, will be next week.
That is another part of your assignment.
Can you tell us about the most difficult assignment or paper that you've had to do?
A To make an A paper in my class, A to make an A on a paper, not only does the paper have to have the right answers and fulfill the assignment, it has to be written elegantly and excellently.
And homework, it varies between classes. Sometimes you only get one assignment,
This is going to turn out to do the trick as you'll find out in your homework assignment.
So, out of courtesy, I think it's important that we follow the assignment.
When we get to the spell checking, the dictionary assignment, when you're actually manipulating text files, maybe writing some output, these lower level details that actually empower you to solve problems properly.
So far, we have the following in our language. Right, we have assignment.
I'll get you to solve it out on a homework assignment, so you can actually prove that.
So there are two components integral and inseparable in the concept of holiness: initial assignment of holy status by God and establishment of rules to preserve that holy status, and secondly, actualization of that holiness by humans through the observance of the commandments and rules that mark that thing off as holy.
Inevitably, in a class of this size, we're going to have to make some adjustments; so you'll receive instructions when you get your section assignment on how to deal with unforeseen conflicts if, for instance, some other class just moved you around.
Previously, we looked at models where there were two candidates or on your homework assignment, three candidates.
These are problems that look a lot like what you might have to do during their weekly assignment if you were a student in this course.
It is an assignment.
Toughest assignment?
So I think that's enough, you can follow along with the syllabus and see sort of what the topics are each week, what the reading assignment is to do before the lecture in order to get the most out of the lecture.