Even if we locate a source of some kind of genuine strength, authoritative strength, it's still usually possible, as it is for Satan, to argue that that power is really at base just the concealed product of custom or what we would think of as cultural construction.
But now at least you have a template that you can base cookies number 2 and 3 and 4 and 5.
And there's a real spatial sense here, that it's being generated at the base of the world, and it goes up and it transforms these mountains into papier-mache.
At least in the domestic equity world you've got a pretty stable base that you were looking at ten years ago.
That at the base of all societies there has to be a labor system that will support the possibility of Plato.
How many combinations of codons are there if there's three bases and four possibilities at each base?
Now, this is not the nicest way to do it but it'll work. I can look at the type of the value of base and compare it to the type of an actual float and see, are they the same?
And these tree trunks were the chords and at the base of each of these chords at least conceptually, theoretically, is this thing called the root.
Jacob Milgrom sees a moral message at the base of this complex, symbolic picture. And that is that humans and humans alone are responsible for the rein of wickedness and death or the rein of righteousness and life.
For those of you who aren't familiar with this, we split up the user base by what school they go to and we make it so that people at a given school can only see the profiles and contact information of people at their school.
The abandonment of such a study or its adulteration for current political purposes would be a terrible loss for all of humanity, and at the base, at the root of that civilization stood the Greeks.
Well let's see. My fall back is, I could just do linear search, walk down the list one at a time, just comparing those things. OK. So that's sort of my base. But what if I wanted, you know, how do I want to get to that sorted list? All right?
At that point we're in the base case and we can unwrap this computation.
It's oriented in the oppose direction and it has the complementary base pairs at each position.
Every cell in your body has exactly the same DNA; that is if I could stretch out all the DNA and look at the base pair sequence, the sequences of bases along all the DNA in your chromosomes, they'd be identical in all the cells.
The goal of that was to take for a typical human, or for a typical - in the case of the human genome project maybe you're looking at fruit flies, you want to look at all the DNA in a fruit fly, but to look at the sequence of base pairs that makes up human DNA and write them all out; we'll talk about that later.