So if we go to the ground state, what you see is we're at that lowest energy level, and we only have one possibility for an orbital, because when n equals 1, that's all we can do.
I think most and you are familiar with the Aufbau or the building up principle, you probably have seen it quite a bit in high school, and this is the idea that we're filling up our energy states, again, which depend on both n and l, one electron at a time starting with that lowest energy and then working our way up into higher and higher orbitals.
But this is where for lack of a better term non-western countries really formally challenged at the highest levels and the lowest, too.
He started with the lowest instruments and then goes to the high instruments and then back to low instruments at the end.
It's at the level almost down to the lowest that we got in the 1990-91 recession.
At some point you're going to hit a well here, which is the point where it's most stabilized or at its lowest energy.
So, this one can be tricky because oxygen looks like it's in the middle because of the way it's written, but we need to start by looking at the lowest ionization energy.
But what I'm going to tell you already is this is a case where, in fact, it's an exception to the idea that the lowest energy structure has the lowest ionization energy in the middle, and we can figure this out when we look at formal charge.
So, we have a problem here if we're thinking about keeping things at the lowest energy, so there's a lot of ring strain in the system.
Let's take a look at the lowest ionization energy in the center case.