I basically gave them free ray at the beginning, so they work in small groups, and travel from site to site.
She starts at the beginning of her day and goes through task after task, chore after chore, project after project
There will be a test on Tuesday ; based on homework one; ten minutes at the beginning of the recitation.
You know, Baidu was founded at the beginning of 2000, and quickly NASDAQ reached its historical high of 5,000.
We would think that Milton's contemporaries might be aghast that such a sympathetic portrait of Satan could be used at the beginning of the poem.
We're going to talk about the reasons for that as we go along, particularly at the beginning of class next time.
So, I mentioned at the beginning, while he was working with this radium bromide that I was very relieved to see that it did not kill him to do these experiments.
The better way to think about this is, suppose, rather than starting at the beginning, I just grabbed some spot at random, like this one.
The sum starts at the beginning of the first and ends at the end of the second.
So what we see in the publishing history of Black Boy and also in its reception brings us back to those questions that I was raising at the beginning of class.
And what that means, of course, is you won't do as well at the beginning as you're likely to be doing toward the end.
Remember at the beginning, Dudley proposed a lottery, suppose that they had agreed to a lottery, then how many would then say it was all right?
This is part of the arrogance that is characteristic of the Ancient Greeks, but at the same time, and right away at the beginning we're getting to such a very Greek thing, a Greek characteristic.
The final and the fifth premise is an important one; is a philosophical one but one I want to introduce at the beginning of the course so that you understand where I am coming from, where this course is coming from-- because many people say, "Ok, so happiness is important.
At the beginning of the dialogue when Polemarchus brought his friends back to the house, Cephalus we see the aged father, Cephalus.
Well, like, like at the beginning of the semester when I didn't have any midterms,