Unlike many poleis,Athens had been successful in gaining control of the whole region which it dominated,the region of Attica.
So, they call in the Spartans, and the Spartans say, "Okay, we'll decide," And they decide that it belongs to Athens.
The Republic belongs to that period of Plato's work after his return to Athens, after the execution of Socrates.
So Athens was the polis for Attica, but it was also the polis for all of Attica, all that region around Athens, including villages and farms and other small towns too.
So he couldn't find his ideal woman and he went back to Athens.
As I'm sure you know, Socrates was put on trial, condemned to death for corrupting the youth of Athens-- and perhaps, among other things, for arguing philosophy with them.
He used to stand in the city square in Athens, and talk with his fellow citizens, but he didn't chat idly with them, and he liked especially talking to young people.
I'll bet you never heard of Tellus of Athens, neither had Croesus, neither had anybody else outside of Athens.
Most of us like most of you earlier, find ourselves instinctively taking the side of Socrates against the city of Athens.
He was sent to Athens " to study at The Academy, the first university, spoke about and established by Plato.
Well, some examples, later on in history there's a quarrel between Athens and Megara as to who controls the island of Salamis.
Now, the Greeks were very much concerned individuals and this is especially true of the democrats in Athens.
But Athens was also something completely unprecedented in the world it was a democracy.
But with the revolution of democracy in Athens, which also spread then to other Greek cities, partly because Athens did what George Bush tried to do in Iraq, they tried to force democracy on other Greek cities around the Eastern Mediterranean also.
Aristotle's extreme reluctance, his hesitance to speak to the issues of his time, are perhaps the result of his foreignness to Athens.
Almost immediately after the trial of Socrates, Plato left Athens and traveled extensively throughout the Greek world.
Again a critique not only of Sparta but also of Athens and its imperialistic ambitions.