The most outrageous action in Laud's crackdown was his move to ban -his attempt to ban preaching in churches.
Similarly, divination. Divination is an attempt to discern the future that, once again, heads right to the source of power.
By extension we have our attempt as readers to arrive at an understanding of the first two books in general.
And early Christianity was an attempt to pull all these things into one unified movement, in some way, to get some kind of uniformity of belief and practice.
When we finished last time, we were looking at John Stuart Mill's attempt to reply to the critics of Bentham's Utilitarianism.
The speech of Socrates before the jury is perhaps the most famous attempt to put democracy itself on trial.
So here's my attempt to make the question both a bit more precise, and a question that's an open question.
There would be some sort of cooking, some attempt to store food for when people may have been hungry later, etc.
Here he is in his paper and says at that time I decided that it was advantageous to find a more general system of the elements and here is my attempt.
This was my best attempt at hitting zero and not having the graph go down there.
That is to say, it is legitimate and proper to search for pleasure, for each individual to attempt to please himself however he can.
This is his first attempt at writing back to her.
There were communes in other cities, too, with a variety of demands, in Limoges, in Lyon and in Marseilles, and even an attempt in Bordeaux.
Most of those who attempt to sell too late and buy too late and do both too often, incurring heavy expenses and developing too unsettled and speculative state of mind."
So this is really the first attempt, way back in the nineteenth century to study a market that's somewhere in the middle, where it happens most markets are there are two firms.
And in fact, an example of a methodological attempt was done by Henry Gleitman at University of Pennsylvania, who built a tickle machine, which was this box with these two giant hands that went "r-r-r-r."