The Magi here are, again, an image, a kind of visionary symbol, an image available "in the mind's eye" at all times.
or it's a moment where you're both feeling opened and available to speak about what the other person looks like.
I have a chart here, which I'll make available to, with a listing of nations with worse literacy record in the world.
Or would be better that more information and more expression was available but to a smaller audience which is probably the relevant audience for any person?
It is internet accessible so you can access it most anywhere anytime and you can also access tools and software and tricks that the staff have made available.
Maybe the soul theorist has an alternative available to it that-- available to him that the other theories don't have.
These are physical knobs that are available us as experimentalists. And so when we turn these knobs on our system, we want to know how the enthalpy is changing for that system.
If we take item 2, 1 then, well, the index after that will of course be And the available weight will be 3.
I suppose what I'm really saying is that the word "hermeneutics" wasn't available, and the idea that there ought to be a sort of a systematic study of how we interpret things wasn't really current.
We've already seen that at Princeton, you're really available, and we're so glad you're here.
The micronutrients, which are available in food but in smaller amounts, are vitamins, minerals, and water.
One use, he said, would be to make one's corpse available to the study of anatomy.
I can only make as much titanium as is consumed by the available magnesium.
I think it's pretty widely known that asset allocation is far and away the most important tool that we have available to us as investors.
It certainly wasn't available to me or most people of my generation.
The books are available at the Yale Bookstore, Barnes & Noble--here you guys, here's some of these--and the textbook is a good textbook, it's really good in cultural history.