They will be made available free to the public via the internet, so this is a way of allowing the world to benefit from what we all do at Yale.
And it's in these years after his graduation from college that Milton embarks upon what is essentially a systematic study of all available knowledge. He commands a mastery of just about the entire canon of Western literary and historical learning.
Salvation is available,and with it immortality, but it comes from God and it doesn't come in the world in which we live, but in some other world to be achieved in the future.
Which of these branches that are available to me, the branches of my life story, which is the one in which the future from here on out ?" holds more pleasure and holds less pain?"
He's claiming only that it is available and can be adduced from what we call "evidence" in the same way that the symbolic interpretation, based on the rhetorical question, is available and can be adduced from evidence -and that these two viewpoints are irreducible.
In fact, that's their preferred state is suspended in a fluid where nutrients are widely available to them, and where they can swim from one spot to another in order to get the nutrients they need, or in order to run away from toxic compounds.
And obviously before we done the work with UNyx, we took a pre-NBA package, preparation package from the list of available titles, if you will, and made it available to our incoming NBA students.