I'm guessing the average number in the class now is probably about 3 or 4, maybe even lower.
we learned that the average number of romantic relationships for people to take positive psychology in 4 years is between zero and one.
Moreover, it's had a 17.8% average return for the last ten years, which is number one among university endowments.
For instance in the past, we had that silly little program for computing the average of some quizzes and it was actually a pretty bad implementation because I had essentially hard coded in the number of quizzes.
The number of calories you guys consume as a part of your diet, if you're the average person, is much higher than used to be the case and that has very interesting biological implications that we'll discuss.
It turns out that if you look at the 2.5--sorry, the quarter million people on the movie database and compute their Bacon number, 2.8 the average Bacon number is 2.8.
The average number of sexual partners is between zero and .5.
Without showing your neighbor what you're doing, put in the box below a whole number between 1 and a 100 We will calculate the average number chosen in the class.
So if everyone else reasons that way then everyone in the room would choose a number like 33 or 34, and in that case, the average would be what?
the winner is the person whose number is closest to 2/3 times the average The winner will win $5 minus the difference in pennies between her choice and that two-thirds of the average."