plastic The good prejudice is our prior awareness that plastic meant something different in the eighteenth century than it means now.
And they just bring awareness to human rights issues around the world.
Also trying to raise awareness within the community that there are people on the other side we can approach.
I mean, there is an emptying out of positive meaning in the very awareness that, after all, the red light could mean "go" I'm about to go on and give more examples.
What does it mean that both of these elements have been retained here side by side? What is the phrase? The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So keep that awareness.
There are plenty of pro-slavery writers who also, to some extent, whether out of guilt or out of awareness, saw slavery as wrong, but they saw it as a problem more for white people than for black people.
that uses fashion as a medium to bring awareness to social injustices.
In the growth of national awareness, that itself is an important theme.
In order to explain consciousness and self-awareness.
just awareness of their body and how to take care of themselves
The dial tone is that state of awareness of the divine that Buddy speaks of when he says- when he speaks of being with God before God said, "Let there be light."
Yet despite his awareness of the importance of commerce and the importance of property the aim of the city he tells us is not wealth is not the production of wealth.
It's all over the world now, so there's a lot of awareness.
or make movies that bring awareness to it.
So it's very difficult, but what I come down to is that you just have to place your energy on your breath, and every time you notice your awareness drifts to somewhere else, you have to recognize this drift and let it go.
And just return your awareness to your breath.