because he is on a cruise ship 4000 miles away from here.
In the simplest possible terms, you could say that Milton's sentence, Milton's argument here in this paragraph, has gotten away from him.
Okay. Well, it's not far away from here. It's worth visiting.
So it's actually not far away from here, on Bankside.
They want to get as far away from each other possible, the ideal angle is 120. But what we have here is a four-membered ring, so what angle does 90° that have to be, that bond? 90 degrees.
It means that we better get away from these deterministic models where we have a little electron here with its potential energy and its kinetic energy.
the first year I was here, I was living like a block away from school.
And when we talk about size, I'm again just going to say the stipulation we're not talking about an absolute classical concept here, but in general we're going to picture it being much further away from the nucleus as we move up in terms of n.