When there's a contradiction in our heads we're not happy and will take steps to make the contradiction go away.
So as we go down we're now adding electrons to further and further away shells, so what we're going to see is that the atomic radius is going to increase as we're going down the periodic table.
And, of course, as we go on, as I'll show you, the curls and the beard are pared away, and you're left more with that blinding whiteness.
So even though we're not literally throwing RAM away, we're not physically moving anything, conceptually, we have to go through memory in this order back to back to back and then undo it.
I'm going to go away from studying imperfect competition and go back and visit something we studied almost the first day or maybe the second day, and that election.
As I say, of course, they're all science fiction, but the fact that we can grasp-- and it's not as though we go running away saying, "Oh no! This was outrageous," Right?
So this is not even thinking about the other electron shielding, just if we think of the fact, all we need to think about is that the effect of going to a further away n n as we go down the table.