After 1933 we had lost our moorings; there was no longer any idea that the dollar was backed by anything.
In other words, securities that were themselves backed by subprime loans.
Some people ask what is the currency backed by?
The question is what it means to say something is backed by something because well you could say it's backed by gold because the Fed has eleven billion dollars of gold.
There's maybe about three trillion dollars worth of stuff backed by mortgages out there Well, as you've seen, these have produced crisis of confidence and I don't think we've heard the last of it.
They never kept all the gold for all the dollars that they issued so you could say it's still backed by gold. The really important thing is it's not convertible into gold.
It used to be backed by gold.
An SIV is a company of a sort that invests in assets and they issue something like asset-backed commercial paper, but it's not a real company because it only exists as an organization sponsored by some bank.