So now, the enzyme is locked up with being built, and the penicillin has effectively killed the bacteria.
Remember that these cells are relatively large compared to bacteria and so diffusion doesn't occur very quickly over this length scale.
So look, why am I justified in believing in germs, various kinds of viruses that I can't see, or bacteria or what have you, that I can't see?
When they do that they can actually engulf the bacteria in a process called phagocytosis and break them down into antigens.
So, not just a spectrum of viruses, but there's viruses and bacteria and parasites and other microorganisms that can cause disease.
So, you're familiar with some of these bacteria like salmonella, or the micro bacterium that causes tuberculosis are shown here.
所以 你们很熟悉像沙门氏菌这样的细菌,或者像这儿的引起结核的小细菌
So, I have a bacteria infection, stimulates my immune system, I start making antibodies that bind to an antigen specific to that bacteria.
所以 如果我被细菌感染了,我的免疫系统被激活,开始制造抗体,这些抗体结合到细菌特异性的抗原上
Because bacteria are outside of cells and when antibodies bind to them they can neutralize them.
That's shown in this diagram as little colonies of bacteria that are growing on a plate.
The study of immunology is the study of mechanisms that your body uses to protect itself from mainly from foreign pathogens like viruses and bacteria.
The innate immune system composed of neutrophils and macrophages; these are cells that are crawling around your body all the time ready to eat bacteria.
Why don't bacteria need a distinct nucleus and that's necessary in a human cell?
Won't help me against other bacteria, but only against the one that I've got.
What else is different about human cells and bacteria other than these formed organelles?
Antibiotics are chemicals, usually small organic molecules that will kill micro-organisms like bacteria.
One way is to allow these bacteria to grow on a plate that is loaded with antibiotics like Ampicillin.