Now, worship at these local altars and high places would come to be banned: Deuteronomy is going to polemicize against this.
where all the beats, the b-generation in the 50s gathered and they used to sell banned books.
But in certain parts of the country you're not able to eat Trans fats in restaurants because they've been banned.
So, it was a very popular book in the U.S., but it did have this history of being banned in Europe, and it was certainly controversial here.
We banned that drug and I haven't heard anybody saying that that was a wrong decision, that we should allow pregnant women who want to sleep better to take a drug that will mean their children are born without limbs.
Raul, there was recently a study done about cell phone use by a driver when people are driving a car, and there was a debate whether that should be banned.
The whole country of Denmark banned Trans fats.
Those of you who are familiar with what's going on in New York City may know that if you're in a New City restaurant now you cannot eat trans fats, because trans fats have been banned from the restaurants.