I would be able to predict their size, because how far they moved depended on how big they were.
So I would say, even though basketball can be somewhat fun to watch on a big screen.
So, Sal is convinced--he wants to be convinced; he desperately wants to be convinced--that Mississippi Gene knows Big Slim Hazard. Let's look at another example on page 59.
The other thing that I mentioned last time was that there seems to be a really big difference between the expected return on the stock market and the expected return on short-term debt.
Somebody's up there going and it's actually the bass so we'll be wanting to zero in on the bass in a big way in music because that's oftentimes giving us much more information than the melody.
It depends on n and k but obviously as n gets big, that one is going to be better.
Let's look at the show of hands? All right so this is the majority here. Good thing physics doesn't work on the rule of the majority otherwise we'd be in big trouble.
Gadamer acknowledges this, even insists on it as I say, but he doesn't lay stress on it because the gap that is implied in the need to be pulled up short is not a big one.