Basically,some councils in the early church, councils that would be called by the Emperor, for example,by Constantine or his successors.
Now the subject matter that he's chosen for this poem, for this so-called first poem, couldn't possibly be more appropriate.
Unless the philosophers rule as kings or those now called kings, genuinely philosophize, there will be no rest from the ills for the cities, ?! he says, right?
Now one of the books that will be assigned for the class is by Michael Pollan called, In Defense of Food, and he spends some time in that book discussing and he has a very interesting take on it.
Now that's a tricky word for us because later in the semester we're going to be reading about something called the New Historicism, and the New Historicism actually has nothing to do with what Gadamer is ; objecting to in this form of historicism; so we will return to the New Historicism in that context.
But just realize as a teaser coming for problem set 1 will be instructions on how to activate your so called cloud account and it's on the CS50 cloud that you'll be writing your programs, compiling your programs, testing your programs, running your websites ultimately.
Plasmids turn out to be one of the most powerful and simplest examples of a vector, what's called a vector for delivering DNA into a cell.
So, for example, FINRA, which used to be called The National Association for Security Dealers, is a membership organization of people in the financial community and it imposes rules on its members.
They're not punished for just waiting around to be called to work.
But if you avoid all of these minutia and focus really just on the idea, it looks like what was a blue say block, a so called statement, is now going to be something called printf where the F happens to stand for formatted.