For Hobbes, Aristotle taught the dangerous doctrine of republican government that was seen to be practiced particularly during the Cromwellian Period in England, during the civil war.
Why does there have to be any type of a civil marriage?
One answer might be to extend greater toleration to civil dissidents like Socrates.
For the most part Deuteronomy doesn't really contain much in the way of civil law. It tends to focus on the moral-religious prescriptions kind of the apodictic law in Israel--and the few civil laws that are there tend to be reworked in line with Deuteronomy's humanity.
We set up--this is not a new idea, this goes back to China thousands of years ago, but it started to be widely done-- So you had a Civil Service exam that established your competence.
The other is that some places where the disease occurs the governments are not stable, or there might be civil unrest or civil wars and that makes it very difficult to orchestrate giving vaccines when there's other things happening in the country that are of more immediate concern.