Perhaps the claim then is that dying is not something that can be done in that way as a joint undertaking.
But in your heart you know it can't be done by today.
We don't even have the picture in broad strokes as far as consciousness is concerned, of how it could be done in physical terms.
I think much could be done in medical care and the hospitals in this country are probably about to get vast improvement in their facilities.
As Heidegger points out in this passage, that's a thought experiment which, if it can be done at all, derives from that prior knowledge.
I could have done this in another way but I am going to just be extra deliberate so I make sure that this copy ends with back slash zero and voila, now, I have a copy.
All right. So let's do an in-class problem, and this will be done with zinc.
This is a terribly stressful experiment to do to people and, as I say now about a lot of studies that I describe in this class, it would not today be done.
But it's also helpful to think just for health and well-being in general, what might be done to improve the diet and this will be a good way to try to get at that.
Mathematically, it's done by taking the expression for R and differentiating everything in sight that can be differentiated as vector t.
从数学上看是这样的,写出 R 的表达式,并对所有可以进行矢量微分的部分,对时间 t 求微商
Typically up till now, we've looked at things that can be done in sublinear time. Or, at worst, polynomial time. We'll now look at a problem that does not fall into that. And we'll start with what's called the continuous knapsack problem.
We'll start with Week 2 talking about Genetic Engineering; what's DNA, how can it be manipulated, how is our ability to manipulate DNA led to things like gene therapy which can now be done in people.
And nothing in this world should be done before its time."
And then you probably saw, when you were in our factory, we have this business process improvement, which is where anyone inside the company can get involved in improving something that they see that could be done better.
Rituparna tells Nala that he knows the science of gambling and he will teach it to Nala, but that it has to be done by whispering it in his ear because it's a deep and extreme secret.
On the other hand,when he, even Oedipus himself, when he understands and he relents,and in a sense he apologizes for what he's done,but more importantly,he ceases,of course, to be powerful and to act in that way,wisdom comes to him.