We need to come up with an experiment in which the electron is going to be forced to behave as a wave.
So I'd be forced to stay a long time and not enjoy myself.
This was an act of compulsion, and the poet had to be forced to press this lyric out of himself.
Eventually in 1905, Nicholas II will be forced to grant a Duma, an assembly to Russia.
You can't be forced to accuse yourself, what we could call the Fifth Amendment.
They have to be forced apart to a certain degree.
What turns out to be the practical fact is that he who has the power and the will to do what he wants will be able to do so, and he who has not will be forced to suffer whatever the powerful impose on him.
Because what we've done is we forced p, pressure here, to be equal to the external pressure.
Anything he writes is going to be forced, compelled - and with his forced fingers rude he violates the formal prosodic, the metrical, scheme of his elegy at its very opening.
And he argues that indigent citizens, who are unable to provide for themselves, should not be forced to rely simply upon the private charity of individuals but should be maintained at public expense.
You cannot be forced to accuse yourself.
The only fingers with which he'll be able to hold his pen and write this poem are his forced fingers rude.