I think that the distinction Iser is making between reading and interpretation can be understood in much the same way.
So just keep in mind, like we're talking about with the student, you can't be afraid of making mistakes
And in fact, if we count up all of these silly comparisons I was making verbally I bet I'm gonna be making fewer in the end than I was with bubble or with selection.
So as I said, they're going to be identical in terms of making the decision that way.
And, in fact, we're going to be talking about right-handed people for the most part, making generalizations in what I'll talk about now.
Double that, times by two, this is the money I will be making in one month.
Astell distinguishes Milton's cry against political tyranny from her own critique, her own cry against the patriarchal tyranny, and in making this distinction she's exposing something that I take to be extremely interesting.
Language has powers that are entirely unpredictable, that can't be harnessed in precisely that deliberate way: by making a decision to take someone's words in the wrong way, or by telling a story to make a moral point, as the mother does.
Or maybe I could donate bone marrow and those stem cells could be given to other people in the same way that blood can be given to other people by matching and making sure that immunologically my cells were compatible with you; there's a lot of interest in that.
And it does have that effect of making you feel like you want this to be in the world.
We'd be making movies like we did in the 50's.
Even though you'll see a whole bunch of constructs today and even throughout the course, you will find that there's often multiple ways to implement something, and it will be up to us to guide you toward better design and making in giving two different options the better choice as time passes.
How do cells in your brain know which proteins they ought to be making, and how do cells in the pancreas know which proteins they ought to be making?
These numbers are so low they could be dismissed as people filling in the wrong things or making jokes or just being confused compared to-- stunningly superstitious high rankings.
Then, also emphasizing in the case of smallpox, how even after the scientific discovery was made, it took many, many decades for people to be able to produce the vaccine in large enough quantities and distribute it, so that you could think about making an impact on global prevalence of the disease.