The most altruistic behavior of all, giving your life to help another, can be explained in cold-blooded evolutionary terms.
And we hope that at the end of the class, every time you're confronted with some technical problem, one of your first instincts is going to be, "How do I write the piece of code that's going to help me solve that?"
And this is going to be a major international organization to help facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers and practitioners of positive psychology.
He can reject the beauty of Homer, he can reject the beauty of Virgil, but he can also reject -- and this has got to be an even greater challenge, perhaps -- he can also reject the help of his Christian teacher, Edmund Spenser.
So, the Greeks are sopping up tremendously useful information and talent, and skills, and all sorts of things that help explain what's going to be coming.
Animals that are altruistic even to the point of dying to help another, those genes will, under some circumstances, be preserved over the genes of people who are less caring.
I've had all three, so I think I would say, "Get yourself some fresh legs, I've had the opportunity to do the best that I can do. I'm very prond of it, and I'll be glad to help you find somebody else who will feel the same way.
But the typical reaction would be that the Corinthians would help, to the extent first of all, that they could and secondly, to the extent that it was consistent with their interests.