They may be beaten eventually to death by a man in their home or subject to what we consider torturous behavior or imprisonment.
I know that you are a judge down here and much respected. So, looks like you've beaten the rap."
This is one of the events, I think, that Yeats is thinking about in "The Fisherman" when he speaks of "great Art beaten down."
Suddenly the vision begins to transform and he begins to hear the voice of Paul, "Thrice was I beaten, twice was I imprisoned, in shipwrecks often, in peril often."
They were beaten. Some were killed.
Imagine a child who's being beaten by his father.
The best example I can think of offhand, I should let this wait, but Peter the Great, the czar of the Russians, who may or may not have beaten his son to death, at least he ordered him tortured.
我现在临时能想到的最好的例子,就是沙皇彼得大帝,本来要等会再说的,彼得大帝是否判处了自己儿子死刑 还有争论,但至少他曾下令用酷刑折磨他的儿子
A prudent man," he writes, "should always enter upon the paths beaten by great men and imitate those who have been most excellent, so that if his own virtue does not reach that far, " it at least is in the odor of it."
These are the poor. These are the beaten.
So you have this firmament, ; Which is beaten back to hold back primeval waters that are pressing in; you have land which is holding down the waters here.