I find that strangely reassuring and troubling at the same time because I think we like to think how special we are.
Because I think our education system, pre-college is generally not great in sort of the world scale.
If I don't want this thing over here to be tortured, that must be because I think it's me.
Second, because I think it is one of the most important pillars of wellbeing and happiness.
Because I think that's actually the most satisfying life for us to live, personally, to feel that we are really making a difference somehow and we are not living just for ourselves.
Just a word about the leading colonizers, because I think there's something to be learned from that.
And I am not going to take the time to solve it because I think that is a waste of class time, but those are the three unknowns.
I want to talk about the stock market today and I thought I would keep it more or less basic because I think-- I want to emphasize basic concepts.
There are lots of things to be said against it, on the other hand, which I don't want to pause over now because I think a course of lectures on literary theory will inevitably show the ways in which paraphrase is inadequate to the task of rigorous interpretation.
Because I think it's always good to have a lot of feedback from students to see what's working,
And it's pretty expensive to do so because I think they know you need to do it.
But it's not a very popular because I think people in this country,
I want to back up now because I think it's important to fill in a little bit of the historical context behind that long but important prose treatise.
I'll go back to that story in a minute, because I think it's very revealing about Aristotle.
I wouldn't give a midterm, because I think it's a waste of time, except we have to have some sort of-- it gives you an indication how you're doing in the course.
It's changing because I think people are less interested in antiques and