Their memory improved significantly, so their intelligence level as taking by tests before and after compared to control group improved significantly after a single week.
After I give you amnesia,before I torture you, Linda I will drive you insane and make you believe that you're Linda.
He is courting poetic fame more shamelessly at this point in his career than he has before and perhaps that he will after.
Compare after 30 or 60 seconds with the person next to you and see if before I reveal the answer we can't get everyone on to the exact same page.
There are lots of people who have pointed out to us that before a certain period, there was no such thing as man, and in a variety of quite real senses, after a certain moment in the history of culture, there is also no such thing as man.
The Ark was a visible sign of his presence and it marched before them And soon after the conquest representatives of all of the tribes of Israel are going to meet and make a solemn covenant at Shechem to be the people of Yahweh, to worship him alone.
Non-Romans and poor people may have seen the Pax Romana as more oppressive than a liberation, just like people saw the Pax Americana that way, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and before the beginning of the Iraq War.
Because on second exposure there's another population of cells that I haven't mentioned before that remain after the primary exposure and those are called memory cells, they're down here.
It's tabulated in books, and this we can measure p in the experiment. Delta p here is the change in pressure from the left side to the right side, and we can put a thermometer, measure the temperature before the experiment and measure the temperature after the experiment.
Now, there were other localized slave societies, surely; certainly within Africa, to a certain degree even before Europeans arrived and certainly after Europeans arrived, particularly after the regularization of the Atlantic slave trade.
So Mara's going to be the person who will see you after class and she will take the problem sets that you have submitted before class and she'll give you the graded ones after class.
The things that make me up existed before, and will continue to exist after my death.
But that doesn't mean that every part of my body existed before I was born, and that every part of my body will continue to exist after I die.
I used to... you know, I lived and worked out of Sloane Lab up on the hill and it was easy to have office hours before or after class but now you have to make a special trip.
We don't have adequate reason to conclude that it's something that existed before I was put together, it's something that will be recycled and continue to exist after I fall apart, after my body decomposes, after I'm separated from my body, or what have you.
So this is version two of the swap function and, in fact, it is almost identical, this is before, this is after, before, after and it looks like the solution to this problem that we've been revisiting a couple of times now is just to do what?