Hal is behaving in exactly the way you would expect him to behave, or it to behave, if it felt fear.
when people are behaving in ways that can be harmful to themselves.
De Broglie has said electrons, under certain circumstances, can be modeled as behaving as though they are waves.
The best example is when Julius Caesar has made himself master of Rome, but he's still behaving as though the republic exists.
And we'll also talk about photon momentum as another example of light behaving up as a particle.
Why are these particular characters behaving in this way?
They'll say,you're behaving like a public company and you're not public.
when I was not behaving exactly as my teacher would have liked,
This was known for a long time, but it took Mr. Einstein to figure out why nature is behaving in that fashion.
What you could call institutional evil by somebody behaving cruelly toward somebody else, perhaps not due to malice but because of the situation that she's in.
And the thought, and I think this is a pretty powerful thought, is that even if the robots are behaving behaviorally, they've got the behavior side of the emotions down, they don't have the feeling side at all.
It would be thought they were not behaving very well, but they would have been as I say, perfectly within every right you can imagine to do that.
It becomes an arm-twisting thing -because of this risk of moral hazard, the bank has a threat to take the money back and they are going to find out quickly if you, as a company, are behaving wrong.
In other words, the banks were like customers of the Bank of England; they had to keep deposits there and the Bank of England watched them to make sure that they were behaving responsibly and had authority over them because it had market power.
He noticed that the pigeons started behaving in strange ways and he kept them separate so they couldn't learn from each other.
There is no way that you could irradiate a crystal of nickel with a single beam of x-rays and get that circular ring pattern if the electron beam were behaving as a particle beam only.
It's behaving appropriately.