As a closing remark, you can express your excitement at finally being able to see your loved one after such a long absence.
But when you look at it in a comparative light in its legal context, we see that it's a polemic against the class distinctions that were being drawn in antecedent and contemporary legal systems, such as the Code of Hammurabi.
If we have a debate about abortion in this class, people--some people might say, "Look. The fetus is a sentient being and as such it has a right to survive and shouldn't be killed by its mother."
That is a very important difference that was, you had to act in such a way as to make life possible and decent, and for the Greeks that always meant being part of a decent community, the polis.
z And what you need to remember is if the z 8 is equal to eight or greater, such as oxygen being the cut-off point, this sigma 2 p orbital is actually lower in energy than the pi 2 p orbitals, the molecular orbitals.