When he's in the army, he can get rid of Jesus by converting not to evil, but to nothing, to believe in nothing.
So although I'm trying to sketch the dualist position, as I explained on Tuesday, I don't myself believe in souls.
Well, right, but at some point - Don't you believe in, I mean, you say 80 percent, 10 percent majority.
And if you believe in justice, well then, you'd better believe in justice for detainees and alleged terrorists.
It's not that we don't believe in or understand human rights, we articulate them very differently.
Since, the Greeks really didn't believe in personal immortality, how do you find what everybody wants?
They want to have information that confirms what they believe in and that supports it.
And it takes the set of stocks to simulate, a fig, figure number, this is going to print a bunch of graphs, and I want to say what graph it is, fig mo and whether or not I believe in big mo.
So in fact the model, in addition to the sort of nerdiness of the model, it ended up with a result we kind of believe in.
All right. We've been talking about arguments that might give us reason to believe in the existence of an immaterial soul.
And if you disagree with that, you must believe in the principle of self possession.
So physicalists do not believe in any immaterial object above and beyond the body that's part of a person.
And it certainly looks as though if you don't believe in souls, you have to accept the body theory of personal identity.
Perhaps the argument shouldn't be, "We have to believe in souls because no mere physical object could reason."
We'd sort of have some reason to believe in the soul until we sort of see what next argument comes down the road.
Why do I believe in certain planets too far away to be observed directly through a telescope?