Now the word "first" begins to take on a much bigger range of significances than we might at first think.
Because this friend has a great body and you can tell that his muscles are bigger than average.
It's just the number that was picked between 1 and 10 that's probably bigger than 5 or 6, not smaller.
But if, at any point, I get to a place in the list where the thing I'm looking for is smaller than the element in the list, I know everything else in the rest of the list has to be bigger than that, I don't have to bother looking anymore.
We're subtracting them from one 1 and they're less than one, so this is bigger than this.
Middle does best against Right, after all, 4 is bigger than 0 and 4 is bigger than 2, so Middle does best against Right.
He was so much bigger than everybody else, so people really were not taken aback, because this was a time when physical imperfections were commonplace.
The size of the cells could be different; maybe mitosis is asymmetrical in some way so that one of the cells ends up being bigger than the other.
I think we need a whole electricity distribution system, which is more efficient and bigger, more flexible and more appropriate than we have.
When threatened, chimpanzees-- their hair stands up on end and that makes them look bigger to fool others to thinking they're more dangerous than they are.
Now, I look around this room, I don't see anybody whose head is three times bigger than mine, so I know that you cannot digest everything the books have.
So another way to say that is, in a sense, if we're thinking about the excited state of a hydrogen atom, the first excited state, or the n equals 2 state, what we're saying is that it's actually bigger than the ground state, or the 1 s state of a hydrogen atom.
Well, I'm going to get back, let's just draw a bigger square than usual that's roughly four times the size.
Well, I could look at the value here, and compare it to the value I'm trying to find, and say the following; if the value I'm looking for is bigger than this value, where do I need to look? Just here.
All right, so gamma is for ideal gas, 1 is bigger than one.
So did anyone choose strategies bigger than 67? Okay, I'm not going to read out names here, but turns out four of you did.