So, adding insult to injury, you lost 72% of the money and then you got a tax bill for 24% of the amount that had been put in; not a very happy experience.
And I met Bill Clinton. He goes there every year in December for Christmas and buys Swarovski.
The bill was passed, and within five months after the bill was passed, we had double digit unemployment for the first time.
In principle, you could bill your clients for fractions of a second or fractions of a minute.
Michael Jordan is not as wealthy as Bill Gates but he did pretty well for himself.
I showed you a one-year Treasury bill rate for right now-- that's not right now, but you can see I have a one-year and a two-year Treasury bill rate.
We have a habit in this society to think that individual rights, when they drafted the Bill of Rights, was just laid down for us and it's just traveled through time and here they are.
You know, someday you have to pay the bill, and there's no plan for paying the bill.
because you read the Bill of Rights, for example, The Declaration of Independence, citizens have a duty to put a new government if it is not serving well the people.
For better and for worst, and Bill and I together.
Remember Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, the libertarian objection to taxation for redistribution?
Yes, but predicting what he does versus what Clinton will do or Bush is a bit too much noise Nobody would have predicted George Bush So Bill Clinton was right, voting for Barack Obama would be a roll of the dice?
Because of the way that we deal with taxes and mutual funds, you can get a tax bill for gains that were realized by the investment manager turning over the portfolio even though you might not have held the shares during the period when the gains were realized.
Someone figured out at the median contribution that got you invited to stay a night in the Lincoln bedroom, Bill Gates could afford to stay in the Lincoln bedroom every night for the next sixty six thousand years.
One is the bid, which is what they'll pay you for a Treasury bill if you want to sell to them.