When we started with the entire class, I showed the children how to bind the book by hand.
Takes a start and an end point, just going to bind local variable names start and end to those pieces.
But what Alexander and his successors did was they made sort of a conscious, propagandistic decision to use religious syncretism to bind together their kingdoms.
Most cells in your body have insulin receptors so insulin is starting to bind to insulin receptors on those cells.
It's just this double bind of vocation that's the subject of Sonnet VII, "How soon hath Time." That's the sonnet in which Milton laments the fact that he has turned twenty-three years old and has yet produced nothing that would indicate a shining poetic future.
It reveals maybe a little bit of the power and extravagance and glory that you feel in her poems but that she preferred always to restrain and bind and control in extraordinary ways, and not always to hide.
Consider just the following passage from chapter 30, section 21. Hobbes writes: "For the use of laws, which are but rules authorized," he says, "is not to bind the people from all voluntary actions.
You wrote: I grew up believing that ours was a country that try to stand for good in the world and that upheld the fundamental values that bind us together as a nation.
Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.So love and loyalty to God is the foundation of the Torah but Torah is the fulfillment of this love and loyalty: studying it and observing it and teaching it and transmitting it.
And if we think about the six hydrogens, now each of those are going to bind by combining one of the carbon hybrid orbitals to a 1 s orbital of hydrogen.
But I want you to see now what happens if I use this. Let's bind x to the value of 3.
There are proteins, for example, on the surface of some cells that bind insulin and respond to the presence of insulin.
which I just did there, -mystring in fact, let me type it in-- mystring, with an equal sign, which is saying, assign or bind to that name the value of the following expression.
It says, take this thing on the left and use it as a name to bind to the value on the right.
solve1 I'm going to use solve 1 as before, but now I'm going to bind out three variables.
Many steroid hormones act because they bind to cellulars - to receptors that are deep within the cell, often inside the nucleus.
They bind sometimes better than the natural ligand does, but they don't create the right biological reaction.
It's part of what I want, because I'm going to bind those values out.
From a technological perspective, antibodies are incredible tools because antibodies are molecules that are specifically designed to bind to a particular antigen or a particular chemical.
So, it doesn't need to bind to a receptor on the surface of the cell in order to work because the molecule can actually enter the cell directly.
What's variable about them is that they bind to a specific antigen.
So, they bind to the receptor - they occupy the receptor so now the natural ligand can't enter it but they don't create the same sequence of biochemical events.
So, these are receptors, for example, that bind the ligand and then liberate an enzyme which promotes some sort of reaction inside the cell, often it's kinases but doesn't have to be.
One class of them is beta-blockers, they bind to beta-adrenergic receptors, which are receptors that exchange information between your nervous system and the contractile system that beats your heart and that causes the heartbeat.
You then denature again, each one of these strands gets separated, primers bind, turn on the polymerase, a new strand is made.