It probably is at least in part, but mainly it is probably intended to be fiction or fictionalized biography.
and a little bit about your own biography which has so much influence on the work you're doing today.
There's a lot of imagery of swelling, of distortion and distention of the body that some critics point to her biography to explain.
So returning to Genesis 1, We have an absence of theology and mythology in the sense of a biography of God in this opening chapter And that means the absence of a meta-divine realm.
The Delphic story for what it's worth marks a major turning point in Socrates' intellectual biography.
Jumping around, we heard the documentary and biography that is the ending.
This is reading from the packet assigned for today, and I'm going to ask you to do what you can to get through the biography of Milton in the packet, as well as the notes on Milton's poetry that we have from Dr. Samuel Johnson.
It could be biography.
He heads up the Yale endowment -or the investment of the Yale endowment -and I have a New York Times article on the syllabus, just sort of a biography of him you could read.