If you were to make that change you would find that the molecule now has completely different biological and chemical properties.
which means that I have to take one of Arts and one of philosophy and one of biological sciences
most chemical and biological systems aren't that simple precisely because you have to worry about many particles and their statistics and the way they might order or disorder.
So, this is just one example of how these properties can already, even our understanding just talking about single atoms, can already make an impact in these biological systems.
Which is just to say, we need to offer a biological/physical explanation of what goes on in near-death experiences.
They bind sometimes better than the natural ligand does, but they don't create the right biological reaction.
Some have even argued that there is an intuitive biology, a common-sense biological understanding of the world that's separate from your understanding of people and physics.
He says man is political not because we have some biological impulse or instinct that drives us to participate in politics, but, he says, because we are possessed of the power of speech.
So these biological things are very important.
At the end of the week, At the end of the week, both mental and biological age decreased.
And some real biological determinism comes in here.
The Latin word familia didn't mean that biological kin group.
if we have a very electronegative atom within a certain molecule, what you'll actually find is that it does affect how the molecule is going to take place or take part in different chemical or biological reactions.
When the body breaks some more, you get the loss of biological or B-functioning, and then the body dies.
Lipids are really complex molecules on their own right, but because of their particular kind of complexity they allow certain biological structures to form.
It's a gene that's on the plasmid, and this particular gene confers a specific biological property to cells that have the plasmid and can use it properly.