When Milton met him, Galileo would have been old and blind, not unimportant to the later Milton, and Galileo was under house arrest at his home in Fiesole.
And also had blind evaluators-- people who didn't know which condition they were in, evaluate how they were walking.
He is obedient to God in a way that no one has been up to this point in the narrative, But perhaps ultimately the model of blind obedience is rejected, too.
Now be honest, how many of you in a blind taste test can taste the difference between ordinary Coke and ordinary Pepsi?
The blind poet calls on the Holy Spirit to assist him in the composition of the epic.
Some of those kids will need coronary bypass surgery in their twenties; some of them will be blind by the time they're thirty.
In Damon's book, a wonderful book on psychopathy, he talks about a thirteen-year-old mugger who specialized in mugging blind people.
So, humans in Genesis are not presented as the helpless victims of blind forces of nature.
The only relationship that will work with humans is perhaps one in which there is a balance between unchecked independence and blind obedience, And God seems to find that relationship with Jacob.