Why? Because that block identifies a set of things that I'm going to do if the test is true.
Neiman Marcus is actually down the block, so there is a lot of competition between the stores.
Chapters 17 through 26 then are a block of material that's referred to as the "Holiness code" because of its special emphasis on holiness.
So, here's the syllabus: two big blocks, first block general principles of chemistry, 1 and that's the same whether you take 3.091 or 5.111 or 5.112.
It violates gravity, but six-month-olds aren't smart enough to know that a block just stuck over here is also surprising.
You can say if this is true, then go and do the following pieces of code or puzzle pieces that are inside this part of the block, else go ahead and do these that are down here.
That general class of molecules is called receptors and its shown here just as a block of material living in the cell membrane.
What seems so obvious, at least to me here in reading Lycidas, is that at this point in 1637 there's a stumbling block or a hurdle that Milton in his race simply can't get over.
So in fact we can block this out and see what it does.
So the inventor of the chess game said, "Ok. What I like is on the first block, first square, I would like one grain of rice.
It's a core of heavily armed infantrymen in a solid block.
the ropes will be pulling the block with T in the other direction, then I got 10 Newtons here.
绳子也会对另一物体施加方向相反的拉力 T,于是我知道这里是 10 牛顿
so we're one block off Golden Gate Park and ten blocks back off the ocean.
the first year I was here, I was living like a block away from school.
But today, kind of at that end is a great big high-rise office block.
All of the businesses are in Madison Avenue, one block away, parallel.