State law has requirements for the board of directors and-- I'm just going to talk in very basic terms.
The first thing they said was, "You have no board of directors," because I was the board. I was the whole board.
Prior to joining the chaplaincy program, I did a lot of activism work in specific Islamic institutions served board of directors, chairs, and presidencies.
The typical example of dilution is: the board of directors has hired a CEO for the company and they want to motivate the CEO.
Non-profit corporations will also have a board of directors but they will not have any shareholders.
In another sense, they're more willing to entrust the money back to the board of directors to decide on when and whether to pay dividends.
One of the most important issues then is to elect a board of directors.
If you ever serve on a board of directors-- this is the thing that I want you to remember because many of you will serve on boards of directors.
What they're saying is that of course lots of things that a board of directors decides to do are not irrelevant; it's highly relevant to the future of the company.
The state law probably requires that a corporation have a board of directors, but it's also something that can be defined at the time that you create the corporation in the bylaws.
Well, the company--the board of directors-- decides if and when to pay dividends to the shareholders and then the law of the state would say that they must treat them all equally.