Now never mind that our own experience with virgins has failed to afford us such a spectacle of bodily transformation.
She's stuck between competing ideals of bodily purity just as surely and as firmly as she is stuck to her seat.
My friends are gone, but that's a truth Nor grave nor bed denied, -- Learned in bodily lowliness And in the heart's pride.
What we've done is take this spontaneous response to the creation of sound and bodily movement with sound and replaced it.
Now I'm not going to hear, pursue of the question of "Do we believe bodily resurrection occurs or will occur?"
And what has happened is they're using this bodily cue of their heartbeat to infer that that's who they find more attractive.
She conveys her love through her bodily presence just by touching and growing up physically and cut tie of relationship with the baby.
And so the food is a broader constituent of what we consume; the nutrient will be the pieces of the food that affect bodily function.
Personal injury, bodily injury, you pay a certain amount of money.
He's able to justify the ways of God to men here on the physical - on this intimately bodily earth.
I think it's fair to say that Milton can't really imagine or fully invest himself in the Christian heaven until he can fully corporealize it and imagine it bodily.
Just like when you prick my body, that bodily process sets up certain things taking place in my soul.
The soul infused its power throughout the entirety of the bodily frame, and so body and soul in Milton's incredibly moving, and I think really beautiful, vision almost becomes indistinguishable.
This can't be a job the body does, because the body's only got its bodily capacities, right?
Again, notice how bodily, how material and physical Yeats's images of human energy are.
Why, then, should we not study the acquisition of a cognitive structure like language more or less as we study some complex bodily organ?
Spirit is merely a kind of bodily form of energy, and God at the beginning of time infused this energy into the entirety of the material world at the Creation.
Well,then we have to face the problem of what to say in this case of bodily branching.
It's because the investment in the bodily world is so great here that Milton ultimately turns to the Christian vision, the more familiar Christian vision, of a bodiless afterlife.
If you didn't really believe you were going to die, that is undergo bodily death, why would you take out life insurance?
This is the argument: Since men are clearly what he calls "the perfecter sex," surely they should be held to even higher standards of bodily purity even than women.
Could it be true, is there any good reason to believe it is true, that nobody believes they're going to undergo bodily death?
But Socrates thinks all those bodily sensations-- that's all stuff that the body takes care of.
And particularly as probable as we were mentioning, that early Christians believed in something like the body theory of personal identity and believed in bodily resurrection.
Then we have to say bodily resurrection would not be the very same body.
Call what has occurred by the end of that sequence of events, "Bodily death."
It's his bodily death that surprises him, his bodily mortality that surprises him.