Now it's not uncommon, by the way, for laboratory animals in these studies to triple their body weight.
And if you want to lose body fat as far as that kind of weight, that's the way to do it.
The minerals are present in small amounts in food and as a function of body weight as well.
Your body is able to regulate your weight fairly well without you really thinking about it.
There is a researcher at The Harvard Medical School named David Ludwig who's done a terrific series of studies on the glycemic index and found how it relates to food intake, body weight regulation, and health.
As we'll discuss in the class, and most of you probably know this, your body weight is a function of how many calories you take in and how many calories you burn off through metabolic processes but also physical activity.
Weight is remarkably well controlled if you let your body do its business.
Now when people gain enough weight, they gain it all over their body, but those are the typical weight gain patterns and it happens for hormonal reasons.
In that process there is a metabolic engine at work, and some people have an efficient engine so that the calories in get banked in the fat, other people have an inefficient engine, that is the calories get wasted as body heat and things like that, and they tend not to gain weight.