Because, when you ask yourself that question, you should consider what is the thermal energy versus the bonding energy?
If the bonding energy is very strongly negative, thermal energy isn't great enough to disrupt those bonds and allow those bonds to be broken and then have fluidity.
And what you find is when you have a bonding orbital, the energy decreases compared to the atomic orbitals.
And the other thing to point out is that the energy that an anti-bonding orbital is raised by, is the same amount as a bonding orbital is lowered by.
So any time I draw these molecular orbitals, I do my best, and I'm not always perfect, yet trying to make this energy different exactly the same for the anti-bonding orbital being raised, versus the bonding orbital being lowered.
So, let's think of the energy of interaction when we're comparing atomic orbitals to molecular bonding orbitals.
Place the non-bonding pairs on peripheral atoms first, which the higher average valence electron energy.
But when we think about where anti-bonding orbitals should be, it should be higher in energy.
We're going to release a lot of energy for bonding, it's going to more than make up for the fact that we actually had to spend some energy to promote that electron.
Anti-bonding is even higher in energy than non-bonding.
s plus 1s gives you this oval ellipsoid which is the bonding, and here are the antibonding, and then these are the energy levels that I have been drawing for you.
So we would label our anti-bonding orbital higher in energy than our 1 s atomic orbitals.
And what we see here is now when we're combining the p, we have our 2 p x and our 2 p y orbitals that are lower in energy, and then our pi anti-bonding orbitals that are higher in energy.