He is the author and editor of over 30 books including one seminal book, well, many seminal books, but one in particular that I'll mention, Animal Liberation.
Let's look--just to begin with, if you brought your books--let's look at the cover of this book.
In fact, in part, because of this, we are only reading approximately half the book, the first five books, to be more specific.
And a lot of it is already in those books but my hope is that our goal to the next book by transcending it through this common experience with you and already thinking in those terms.
Or is it a book about ? metaphysics and the ultimate structure of being, as certainly many of the later books of the Republic suggest?
There is obviously much in the American regime that Aristotle would have found admirable even though it does not conform to his idea of the best regime which is the subject of the last two books of the Politics Book VII and VIII.