So with apologies for being a bit more boring for twenty minutes, let's do something we'll call formal stuff.
I don't know, I dropped out of public accounting, so maybe that means I am one of the boring ones, who knows?
OK. I know. It looks boring. But it's a structure of the things I want to think about when I go through trying to take a problem and mapping it into a iterative program.
This chart, very boring and uninteresting but useful to say there are very well defined rules as to when you're writing code, what operators, like what syntax should get evaluated first.
I don't want to be some guy who does this boring thing for a dollar.
Many people think search was a done deal. It's boring.
Now, I could go on right the way through here, but I'm going to stop because it gets to be a bit boring after a while.
And these people--this is kind of boring-- but these people were in government between 1830 and 1848, and King Louis-Philippe, who was chased from the throne in February of 1848, was seen as progressive, he was seen as the bourgeois monarch but he was perfectly noble.
I don't know if you've been to Bath. But it's very nice, but a bit boring and small.
Now these are going to be sort of dreary, boring, typical Martin lectures; dreary and boring historical surveys.
I've always found that kind of research rather boring, but I think he had a point.
we are the envy of the rest of the universe It's not so much that immortality, what the rest of them have, is unattractive or boring.
Ten thousand nobles lived there. How boring!
There's not that many good clubs in San Francisco. It's kind of boring clubs in San Francisco.
Some people think that studying economics is boring. But what do you think of it?
I'm sort of love this movie, I'm start expecting certain type of character sort of boring character.
You have boring, and rational, and precised leaders.
who thought it was all boring, in the end was glued to the television.
and all that sort of thing is boring and depressing, really, yeah.
Some people say that literature is kind of boring.
This is boring. In fact, you can do some nice things to prove what is the class of functions you can compute with straight-line programs, and what you'd see if you did that is, it's not particularly interesting.
I know it's boring, but we need to do it so you know what the ground rules are.
OK. At this point, if we stop, you'll think all algorithms are linear. This is really boring.
But that would get very boring, so rather than do that, let's draw a picture.
Then he went back to a farm that he owned in the Limousin, in the Creuze, up here near a boring place I used to work called Gerais.